Monday, March 14, 2011




                       COPLAY BOROUGH GOVERNMENT
                                      THE GRAY PERIOD

We had reported previously that, in our opinion, Coplay Borough Government experienced a "Gray Period" of almost a decade. As we perceived it, a certain individual, Bill Leiner, Jr. gathered some people around him and attempted to run the community to the tune of his, and their flutes, ala Pied Piper.  When that individual first sought elective office, there were those of us that helped him achieve that goal.  At first we thought things would move forward in the community.  We found out eventually that the individual had a different agenda.  Everything he did was just another stepping stone to the next level.  There were those abandoned by the roadside after it became apparent, that unless you followed him blindly, the message received was "My Way or The Highway". He was elected to Borough Council and after only two years, abandoned that post and ran for Mayor.  He served in that capacity for several terms but resigned after running during mid-term (again) for Lehigh County County Commissioner.  After being elected, the same old story unfolded again when he resigned as County Commissioner after leaving his employment at a local hospital and going out of state for employment, first in Texas and now, we have been informed, in the State of Florida.  We have mentioned a Gray Period.  It seemed that local government, instead of searching for positive avenues to be pursued to move the community forward, tended to use their time and perceived power in office to look for negative issues concerning organizations and leaders thereof.  I clearly recall Council President at that time, Beverly Miller, having a face off at a council meeting with Coplay Sports and their representative that night, Mr. Charlie Sodl.  Unless I am mistaken, Mr. Sodl was involved with Coplay Sports for 25 years or more.  The council Chambers were packed with members of Coplay Sports, looking for assistance in the amount of $600.00 towards the cost of having the grass cut for the season.  I can recall Mr. Sodl pacing back and forth in front of council while presenting the issue.  Mrs. Miller told him that he would have to stand in front of the podium to continue.  Mr. Sodl then sat down in front of the Dias (council's desk) and stated that he had a bad back and can't stand still for any length of time.  After a full and lengthy session, Council President B. Miller was ready to rap the gavel and adjourn the meeting with the issue unresolved.  But, an individual in the audience spoke up with a personal alternative solution.  After a couple of committee chairpersons came up with some donations from their budgets, the finance Chairman, Dennis Wehr, came up with the funds necessary to accommodate Coplay Sports.  That ended the session.  But the problem was deeper than that.  Mrs. Miller had sat in our living room, during a better time period, and complained to me and my wife about a group that ran the Beer concession at Coplay Community Days.  She stated that she counted the number of empty beer barrels and allegedly it did not match the reported funds that were generated.  She pointed a finger at Coplay Sports.  Nuff Said!! 
Let us go on.  In 2003, I ran for council and was elected.  I was assigned the Chairmanship of the Sanitation Department as well as other positions which I readily accepted, including serving on the finance committee with Mrs. KimAnn Meyers as Chairman and the streets committee with Chairman Joe Bundra.  I balked at the appointment as liaison to the Coplay Public Library, stating that I had a relative working there part time and that might create a conflict of interest.The public response by Mrs. Miller was the following. "That's good because they are having problems there and now we will have someone on the inside to provide us with information".  My response was: "The Dickman Family does not operate that way".
Several months later I became the Liaison, but at the first meeting of the Library Board, I made them aware of what transpired earlier that year at council.  Nuff Said!!
And now to continue.  While sitting in the audience at previous council meetings, and also after being elected, I heard numerous times about the need for a borough comprehensive plan.  As a councilman, I submitted a comprehensive plan proposal on at least two occasions, acknowledging the fact that it would have to be visited and tweaked before it could be possibly adopted.  As I stated, it was a start.  I submitted a plan for consideration for the last time at the borough workshop on Monday April 11, 2005.  I read it off and after Council President B. Miller did not bring it up for consideration by council, as a last order of business I submitted a simple note of "Resignation without comment". It had become quite obvious my suggestions would not be made a part of the borough agenda.  Again, Nuff Said!!!

Please continue to the next posting for more of the story.




               THE GRAY PERIOD

In our 55 year plus residency in Coplay, we have never seen anything that divided the community as did the following.  Let us visit the issue of the Council President Mrs. B. Miller and the appointed Council Member C. Piskula, Chairman of the Fire and Water Committee and what was then known as the Coplay Fire Co. No. 1.  Where does one start? Let's go to November of 2005 and the regular meeting of said Fire Co. No. 1.  As a member of the Fire Co. (active for a number of years) I was in attendance.  Mayor B. Leiner, Jr. was seated with C. Piskula and even Police Chief V. Genovese and Officer K. Reed were there in uniform.  One of the items on the agenda was the application of C. Piskula to become a member of the said Fire Co. No. 1.  A written ballot vote was taken and a resident in attendance made the tally public.  It was 17 to 10 against membership for C. Piskula.  This is not the end of the story.  The following month at a December 19, 2005 meeting, borough council unanimously passed Ordinance 750, which in essence seperated the Fire Department from Coplay Fire Co. No. 1.  The borough newsletter stated that the Fire Department is composed of the Firefighters who respond to your home in the event of an emergency, whereas the Coplay Fire Co. No. 1 is a group like a home association or (according to Mayor B. Leiner, Jr. at that time) a social club  that runs the fire hall activities such as breakfasts, bingo, craft shows, etc.  Seems funny to me that an ordinance would be enacted that quickly unless it was being considered prior to the action in December. Never heard of it until then. NUFF SAID!!!
The story goes on.  At a Coplay Fire Co. No.1 sponsored Craft Show event, Council President B. Miller barricaded the public parking lot (owned by the borough) adjacent to the building and refused parking privileges to anyone attending the Craft Show.  Council Member C. Piskula was allegedly involved at that time.  Council President B. Miller and Council Member C. Piskula went on from there to contend that the Fire Co. Building was the property of the Borough of Coplay.  This went on for quite a while and ended up in court where the Judge ruled that the Building at 165 Cherry St. factually belonged to Coplay Fire Co. No. 1. Legal cost to the Borough for this venture was said to be between $30,000 and $40,000. One mil of taxes generates approximately $50,000. 
To continue - In 2007, approximately at the Labor Day weekend, Councilman M. Mazur contacted Council President B. Miller and informed her that he intended to run for the position of Borough Council President in January 2008.  This led to Mr. Mazur receiving a scathing letter from then Mayor B. Leiner, Jr. because of the announcement.  The General Election of 2007 changed a few things.  In December of 2007, Mayor B. Leiner, Jr. resigned as Mayor of Coplay to become a Lehigh County Commissioner.  Councilman John Milander was appointed to fill the vacant Mayor position.  Mayor Leiner, Jr. appointed Ms. Rachel Luckenbill (a perceived follower of the Mayor) to fill the vacant council seat.  The General Election of 2007 produced two new councilmen, David Royer, a native son and newcomer Marvin Mann II.  In January of 2008, Mr. Mann announced his candidacy for Borough Council President.  Council President B. Miller prevailed and retained her position for that year.  Rachel Luckenbill, a Mayor Leiner, Jr. appointee to council, served during 2008 and in January of 2009, despite the perception of being a follower of the Mayor, proved to be a self thinker and, in my opinion, the catalyst that provided a positive change in the direction of Coplay Borough Government.  At the council meeting of January 2009 she made a motion that placed the name of Marvin Mann II in nomination for Coplay Borough Council President.  Mr. Mann was successful in his bid.  Ms. Luckenbill served until mid-year of 2009, when due to employment and family commitments, she regretfully tendered her resignation from council.  Coplay lost a community oriented person on Borough Council and if her personal situation were to change in the future, I strongly suggest that she consider seeking elective office again.  Rachel, thank you for your efforts on behalf of the closest thing to Utopia, COPLAY.  Mr. Lou Bodish, top vote getter in the primary was appointed to serve the rest of the term.  Along with Mr. Bodish, Mike Mazur, incumbent, Joe Bundra (previous council member) and Joe Groller (previous council member and highly respected) were the successful candidates.  Beverly Miller, the former Council President, was defeated in the primary.  NUFF SAID!!!

Please continue to the next posting for the rest of the story.



                      COPLAY BOROUGH GOVERNMENT
                                     THE GRAY PERIOD

The year 2010 resulted in changes that involved the Coplay Fire Co. No. 1 and the Borough of Coplay.  It came to pass that Coplay Fire Co. No. 1 transferred ownership of 165 Cherry St. to the Borough, who assumed the indebtedness of the building (appr. $29,000) and gave a lease of the social quarters , which included a monthly rental  fee by Coplay Fire Co. No. 1 payable to the Borough and included the loss of the name "Coplay Fire Co. No. 1" in the future.  The name of the alleged social club was changed to CFC, Commitment to Family and Community.  For some unknown reason, someone became thickheaded and continued to use the Coplay Fire Co. No. 1 name, despite the fact that the agreement with the Borough forbid the usage.  It  came to pass where the lease was almost terminated with CFC.  A public meeting was held in Council Chambers and after an impassioned plea by a level headed (in my opinion) member of CFC, Jeffrey Hantz, a temporary extension was granted so that CFC could get their house in order and comply with the terms of the agreement.  This is still a work in progress.  The Borough is in the process of upgrading the facility and all utilities at 165 Cherry St. A never ending story, please stay tuned for future happenings.  We must all show respect for the undermanned Fire Department, because they stand between us and disaster. They hold weekly training sessions and are open to individuals who wish to volunteer as part of their Department. They hold an authorized Coin Toss yearly to raise funds. On the other side of the coin, I recommend that we frequent the CFC Social Club when they hold their monthly, all you can eat, sit down breakfasts (none in July and August) , their Craft Shows and Meat raffles, which are held seasonally.  Their social quarters are also available for other functions, such as, weddings, banquets, wedding showers etc. (contact-610-262-5956).  A number of years ago, the facility was utilized by the U.S. Postal Service to administer the Civil Service test for employment.  For years the facilities have been made available to the Coplay Senior Citizen Organization, who in return, normally makes a donation each year without being requested.  The former Coplay Fire Co. No. 1 also provided a Christmas Dinner to the Senior Citizens Group. Remember please, that our community is what we make it or allow it to become.  Please stay involved and vigilant and help Coplay to once again remain, as it has become, a Community "Of the People, By the People and For the People".  May we be fortunate enough to  witness a closure to what, in my opinion and observations, was "Coplay Borough Government, A Gray Period"   Isn't that "NUFF SAID???"

I would be remiss if I didn't recognize some super, community oriented individuals that DID serve admirably during the "Gray Period'.  Mrs. Helen Schnecker was all Coplay.  She was totally involved in the promotion of the Ironton Rail/Trail, Coplay Branch,since it's availability became known.  She diligently pursued the funds involved, despite hitting many roadblocks that kept popping up. Thanks to her and Joe Bundra and the cooperation and association with the folks from Whitehall Township and North Whitehall Township, Coplay has a prized package used by many from the Lehigh Valley. There have been numerous 5 and 10 K fundraisers that have used the Coplay Pavilion and Trailhead. Back in 2004 I attended a seminar in Wilkesbarre presented by officials of DEP (Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection) as  it dealt with the Sanitation Department and other issues.  During the afternoon session, the instructors reflected on the origin of Recycling in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.  They stated that the first community to launch the program back in August of 1986 was the Borough of Coplay. They then presented the name of the person whose diligence and persistence paid off for our Borough, Council Member Mrs. Helen Schnecker.  That announcement concerning Helen and the Borough of Coplay had me on Cloud 9.  As a Council member I was privileged to attend a symposium on Homeland Security with Helen back in August of 2004.  I could go on and on concerning Helen's involvement and why she should be remembered in our prayers.  Helen was called by the Good Lord in March of 2005. God Bless.

Joe Bundra.  I already mentioned his involvement on the Ironton Rail/Trail, Coplay Branch, but there is no way that his accomplishments can be truly measured. His passion and physical involvement are beyond belief.  Yes, there were others involved, but the hours that Joe has and still is contributing have never been documented.  He worked with the folks from the other municipalities and I have never, ever witnessed such mutual and unselfish cooperation between individuals to achieve a common goal.  Ann and I have both witnessed when a work detail request was brought up at an Ironton Rail/Trail meeting (we used to attend them on a regular basis), responses came from the all the people involved, regardless of where they lived. I attended a meeting, as an interested Council Member, along with fellow Councilman at the time, Joe Bundra and the Borough Solicitor, which was held at the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission Headquarters on Marcon Blvd. Coplay was one gavel away from losing the Federal funding it was due for the Trail, which was administered by Penndot. Coplay was one of four entities under consideration that day.  Thanks to Mr. George Doughty, the deposed Airport Authority CEO, who spoke up after what he perceived as a "railroad job" where the Borough of Coplay Rail/Trail was concerned.  I covered the issue on the CD that we produced, "Coplay, A Pictorial and Text CD". I worked with Joe when I was on council.  Joe was Chairman of the Streets Committee and I Chaired the Sanitation Committee, which Joe supervised prior to my election. Combined, they comprised the Public Works Department. Coplay has some multi-talented people  employed there and Joe utilized their skills.  We collaborated on and had a street fully redone in 2004, Fifth St.  The bid was awarded at appr. $69,000 but with some overruns it came in as a final cost of Appr. $76,000.  Try to come even close to that figure today. Joe, by personal admission, was aligned with a certain individual, but over time came to realize that the agenda of that person was not really in the best interests of Coplay.  Joe is fully involved in Council again and is the Chairman of the Fire and Water Committee.  We wish him the very best as he serves the community.  Incidentally, I also worked with Joe when he was Chairman of the Public Works Department contract negotiating Committee.  God Bless.

Moving on, I have to mention my association with another Council Member who I strongly believe had a great concern for Coplay.  Mrs. KimAnn Meyers.  KimAnn was Chairman of the Finance Committee and I served as an associate.  I learned much during the budget preparation sessions.  We had a welcome assist from Sandy Gyecsek, the borough secretary, who was always at our elbow and beck and call with her computer expertise.  KimAnn was there every month after reviewing the borough bills and presenting each of us with the bills, where we were involved, for our perusal and approval.  KimAnn, thank you for your dedication despite the efforts of some folks to make your road a difficult one to travel. We hope you and yours are happy in your new surroundings.  May God Bless You and Yours.