Saturday, June 12, 2010



Picture 1:
Like Father, Like Son, by the dates, covers a 62 year span. On the left is Richard "Dick" Hantz, the Father, who is shown on the day, April 1, 1948, when home delivery of mail was initiated in the Borough of Coplay.  Prior to that day, mail had to be picked up at the Post Office, which was a chore done daily by youngsters on their way home from school. The picture on the right is a photo of Dick's son Jeff on his delivery route in Catasauqua, on the day of his retirement April 1, 2010.  Both Hantz gentlemen started their Postal careers at the Coplay Post Office.  Dick had a route in the western half of Coplay until the latter part of 1968, when he was appointed to the position of Rural Carrier, after qualifying in the top echelon of participants in a test given after the position became vacant upon the retirement of Earl Lynn, who retired on April 4, 1968 after 49 years, 4 months and two weeks, all on Rural Route #1. Dick Hantz retired in the early 1980's after 30 some years of service and was awarded a commendation for the service he provided to the Postal patrons on RD #1. Dick was married to the former Betty Salter of Coplay. One of my fondest memories of Dick and Betty was their participation in an operetta in the Old Coplay High School auditorium. Dick played the part of a RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Policeman) and Betty was the Indian Maiden. The strains of their duet will remain in my memory for eternity.  If you were fortunate to attend the performance, you know what I mean. Dick and Betty became the parents of two sons Eric and Jeffery. Jeff started his career at the Coplay Post Office on April 14, 1973 as a temp/sub clerk, while still a senior student at Whitehall/Coplay High School. With the assistance of Principal Clayton Northup, Jeff was able to complete his senior year and graduated while still working the hours available at the Coplay Post Office. He continued his temp/sub clerk employment in Coplay until the latter part of 1978 when he was granted a transfer to the Catasauqua Post Office where he continued as a temp/sub letter carrier until mid 1979, when he was promoted to a full time letter carrier vacancy, which became available by the retirement of letter carrier Carl Burrows.  Jeff, like his Dad. was a dedicated, productive employee who verbally stated that his approach to his employment was to treat it as if it were his own business and he gave it the highest level effort necessary. Jeff had a fellow employee at Catasauqua, with whom he worked at the Coplay Post Office, Robin"Rocky" Shafer, who shared the same philosophy where employment was concerned. Both received awards recognizing their dedication and productivity.  Jeff  received an award for his many years of accident free driving in the delivery of mail.  He was also commended when he found and reported a utility problem, of one of his Postal patrons, while delivering mail. Jeff retired on April 1, 2010 with 37 years of service. Incidentally, Jeff and Cindy observed their 32nd Wedding Anniversary on April 1, 2010.  As you can see, April 1 was a significant date in the lives of the Hantz family.  On April 1, 1978, Jeff was fortunate to marry Cindy (Schirer) of Berlinsville. They are the parents of two daughters, Jessica and Samantha.  Samantha is the wife of Ken Mack, who is the proprietor of the Coplay News Agency, and they are the proud parents of three children, two boys, Tyler Aiden, 5, Carter Nicholas, 1 and a daughter, Kendal Grace, 3.  I, Frank C. Dickman, had my life and career enriched by my association with all of the good people  mentioned above. God Bless.

Picture 2: On a very rainy Tuesday March 30, 2010, unbeknownst to Jeff, arrangements were made for another recognition of his 37 years of productive, dedicated service. A postal supervisor accompanied PA State Representatives Julie Harhart (R) 183rd District  and Joseph Brennan (D)133rd District and they greeted Jeff with a commendation from the PA House of Representatives.  Jeff resides in Rep. Julie Harhart's District, but was employed in Rep. Joseph Brennan's District. This is a good example of hands across the aisle, joining together for a single, united and deserving purpose.  We congratulate Jeff on another award and we say thank you to both Representatives for their joint effort in recognizing Jeff in this manner. 

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