Saturday, March 12, 2011


How the time does fly! It will mark 56 years ago tomorrow, the 2nd weekend in March, when Ann, while reading the Sunday Morning Call at her parents home in Lansford, spotted an ad for new Mann Homes in Coplay priced @ $9090.00.  We were living in Bound Brook, N.J. and I was employed in South Brunswick after my discharge from the Regular Army  Ann asked if we couldn't stop to look at the homes.  We found Coplay, saw the sample home and placed a required $20.00 deposit for a lot at 29 Saylor Drive.  The following month we stopped to pick the colors as requested and paid an additional $80.00 to the deposit and selected a different lot at 19 Saylor Drive.  June 17, 1955 we signed on the dotted line and the $100.00 deposit was returned to us.  We moved in the same day and that was the start of the Dickman Family Odyssey in the next place to Utopia, COPLAY!!!  We are grateful to the Heavens above for getting us here, even without a star to guide us. Nuff said.

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