Tuesday, July 6, 2010



Top Picture.  In 1968, George Trively was Assistant to the Postmaster, Fred Scott was postal clerk distributing mail, occasionally served as a letter carrier and worked at the front counter serving the public, Allen Gogle, a long time sub rural carrier, was working in place of rural carrier Earl Lynn who retired on April 4, 1968, Frank Toth was a sub city carrier, Allen Shoemaker was the City #1 carrier, serving the east end of Coplay with 652 delivery points, Dick Hantz was the City #2 carrier serving the western section of Coplay with 552 delivery points. The amount of delivery points on both routes might seem out of kilter. The difference was that City #1 was in that portion of the community that was the original settlement of Coplay and the homes were built much closer to each other, whereas, City # 2 was the  newly developed portion of town and most of the properties had a frontage of 50', 75' and in some instances 100'.  John Selady was a sub city carrier.  Frank Toth and John Selady also distributed incoming mail  and they  worked the front counter, as clerks, whenever needed. 

The second picture really speaks for itself.      Dick received his award, surrounded by his fellow employees.  Bobby Augustine was added to the office complement in the late 1960's.  Allen Shoemaker retired on Friday, April 27, 1973, and on that same date, Bobby Augustine transferred to the Whitehall Post Office.  Within approximately one year, Bobby was promoted to a full time salaried city carrier at Whitehall. 

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